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Our primary focus revolves around waste streams, contaminants, and their interactions, with an emphasis on environmental chemistry research.

We contribute by developing char materials from waste fractions to extract contaminants from water, including emerging contaminants like pharmaceuticals in developing regions.

We utilize techniques such as pyrolysis, torrefaction, and Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC) to create chars from different waste types.

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Our primary focus revolves around waste streams, contaminants, and their interactions, with an emphasis on environmental chemistry research.

We contribute by developing char materials from waste fractions to extract contaminants from water, including emerging contaminants like pharmaceuticals in developing regions.

We utilize techniques such as pyrolysis, torrefaction, and Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC) to create chars from different waste types.

PFAS has become a significant environmental contaminant, leading us to investigate its fate within the waste-to-energy process, particularly in municipal solid waste.

Explore our various research topics further on individual pages to gain insights into our diverse research inquiries over the years.

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Our primary focus revolves around waste streams, contaminants, and their interactions, with an emphasis on environmental chemistry research.

We contribute by developing char materials from waste fractions to extract contaminants from water, including emerging contaminants like pharmaceuticals in developing regions.

We utilize techniques such as pyrolysis, torrefaction, and Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC) to create chars from different waste types.